The professional managers of our company, founded in 2021, are specialists with decades of professional history and experience.
Within facilities management, we employ hundreds of security guards and receptionists, mainly but not exclusively in the area of security and property protection, in prominent public institutions, office buildings, warehousing and commercial companies in various parts of the country.
In some of our areas, our security guards also use hand-held metal detectors, metal detector gates, and equipment for detecting narcotics and explosives in order to work more efficiently.
Customer confidence is key for us, so we are determined to keep the turnover of our sergeants to a minimum. From the selection stage, we place great emphasis on good appearance, a strong presence and professionalism, which we complement with regular training.
Our company is a member of the group of companies led by BIG-HAUSE Facility Management Ltd.
BV Facility Ltd.
H-1095 Budapest, Soroksári út 48.
H-1463 Budapest, Pf.: 940
Magyar változat | Index | Protection of persons and property | Cleaning | Operation, maintenance