Operation, maintenance

Épületüzemeltetés, műszaki üzemeltetés

In the future, we will continue to look for opportunities to actively improve our company's service quality and offerings in the field of technical operation and maintenance.

We want to win our partners over with tailor-made, personalised offers, with a focus on safety, environmental protection and energy savings.

We undertake the following technical operational tasks:
  • receiving and registering error reports, investigating the errors, taking necessary measures,
  • monitoring the operation of machinery and equipment,
  • preparing management and cost-saving plans to achieve the objectives set by the client,
  • regular monitoring of the state of the property, reporting breakdowns and continuity failures to the client,
  • drawing up and, if necessary, amending house rules and parking regulations,
  • preparation of an escape plan, escape route,
  • operation in accordance with legal requirements, completion of notification obligations, registration,
  • periodic reporting to the client.
We undertake the following maintenance tasks:
  • air conditioning, heating, cooling, ventilation systems, ventilation equipment,
  • maintenance and installation of fire protection equipment,
  • electrical engineering services,
  • lock servicing,
  • building services, maintenance and construction works.

Our company has the human and material infrastructure, the appropriate professional and administrative staff, equipment and tools, premises, and the necessary IT background to provide the service.

Ask for our offer! Contact us with confidence!



BV Facility Ltd.

H-1095 Budapest, Soroksári út 48.
H-1463 Budapest, Pf.: 940

Magyar változat | Index | Protection of persons and property | Cleaning | Operation, maintenance