The machines, tools and chemicals we use are all modern, environmentally friendly, highly technical, internationally renowned, leading manufacturers' products with several national and international quality certificates, which are also distributed nationwide and tested by us.
Detailed technical documentation, instructions for use of the cleaning and disinfecting agents used and safety data sheets for the machines involved in the performance will be made available to you immediately upon request.
Our staff, who are required to have a certificate of good conduct, wear uniforms with badges and work with care, dedication and a high level of professionalism, in the best possible way, in line with our customers' needs.
Green cleaning
Our company also aims for sustainability, reduction of the ecological footprint, and the implementation of an environmentally friendly service in the cleaning service.
The Eco-friendly Product KT-64 Eco-friendly cleaning service criteria came into force in Hungary in 2014, which defines eco-friendly cleaning as cleaning services that are environmentally beneficial, including using as little water and detergent as possible, and a certain proportion of the cleaning products used being environmentally certified, using disinfectants only where justified and in the places specified, giving preference to environmentally friendly paper products, using a predominantly microfibre content in the textiles used for the service, minimising waste and collecting it separately, and ensuring that a well-trained and skilled workforce is employed through regular education and training.
We work with our partners to develop a system of environmentally friendly cleaning services based on their needs. The targets set out in the requirements framework can be achieved in a short timeframe through careful planning, procurement and staff commitment.
Ask for our offer! Contact us with confidence!
BV Facility Ltd.
H-1095 Budapest, Soroksári út 48.
H-1463 Budapest, Pf.: 940
Magyar változat | Index | Protection of persons and property | Cleaning | Operation, maintenance