Protection of persons and property

Customer trust is key in the personal and property protection service, and we aim to achieve this by working in partnership, solving problems promptly and delivering high quality work from the contract to the service design.

Our professional managers and service managers are professionals with decades of experience, who, through regular checks, constant communication and flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances, build a stable team of guardians.

Our staff are predictable, reliable and cooperative, and we try to keep turnover as low as possible. In addition to strict professional and individual selection criteria, we place great emphasis on long-term employment, development, career advancement and appreciation.

Our guards work in accordance with the general instructions of our business unit, as well as the specific instructions displayed by our Client and agreed with our professional manager.

To maintain and develop the professional skills of our staff (and our clients), we have developed an annual training agenda. During the quarterly, half-yearly and annual training, the guardians not only improve their knowledge, but also report on it.

Our business has a radiation protection licence issued by a competent authority, which authorises the legal use of various safety devices (e.g. X-ray package screening equipment). In the areas where we have contracts to handle such equipment, all our security guards have the basic radiation protection certificate required by law.

In order to monitor in real time the work of our guards and its efficiency in the performance of live security tasks, we have GPRS-based remote patrol monitoring devices, so that any necessary interventions in the workflow are almost immediate for the management.

In some of our areas, our security guards also use hand-held metal detectors, metal detector gates, and equipment for detecting narcotics and explosives in order to work more efficiently.

Ask for our offer! Contact us with confidence!


BV Facility Ltd.

H-1095 Budapest, Soroksári út 48.
H-1463 Budapest, Pf.: 940

Magyar változat | Index | Protection of persons and property | Cleaning | Operation, maintenance